Casamigos Blanco 700 ml
Casamigos Blanco is a light, refreshing tequila, made with 100% agave, which ripples with notes of freshly chopped herbs, vanilla and subtle agave.
The nose is creamy, lifted by warm, earthy agave, chilli spice, black peppercorn and vanilla pod notes. Menthol comes through too, along with hints of herbal cough sweets. There's also a sweetness, with suggestions of lemon pith and fresh apple.
Vanilla and hints of lemon meringue pie, with whispers of oak influence. Notes of tomato leaf, basil, and fresh mint comes through too.
Long and luscious. The peppery agave goes on and on, flanked by puffs of icing sugar.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.
Age Restricted: 18 Know your limits UK Chief Medical Officers recommend Adults do not regularly exceed: Men 3-4 units daily Women 2-3 units daily