San Cosme Mezcal 700ml
Mezcal San Cosme, borrows its name from Saint Cosmas who, alongside his twin brother Damian, is worshipped as the Patron Saint of Doctors. Together, they defied death on several occasions, and miracles are attributed to them even after death, appearing in dreams and healing those who implore them. Mezcal San Cosme is the taste of ancestral traditions; its sophisticated taste should be enjoyed slowly, by savouring each sip while discovering the complex fragrance, smooth textures and smoky softness of this historical Mexican beverage. Craftsmen respectfully oversee each step in the complex and ceremonial production process of Mezcal San Cosme.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.
Age Restricted: 18 Know your limits UK Chief Medical Officers recommend adults do not regularly exceed: Men 3-4 units daily Women 2-3 units daily