Abasolo Corn Whisky 700ml
After testing dozens of heirloom varietals of corn, Cacahuazintle (pronounced kaka + wha + SINT lay), a locally grown, GMO-free variety that has been passed down by generations of local farmers, was chosen for its thick, textured kernels, which provided the boldest flavours. These flavours are further drawn out by a 4,000-year-old traditional process called nixtamalization, in which the corn is soaked and cooked in an alkaline solution (usually a lime bath), washed and then hulled. Commonly used before corn is ground into masa and made into tortillas or other Mexican staples, nixtamalization unlocks the full flavour profile and aromas of the ancient crop. The whiskey is double distilled in handcrafted copper pot stills, and aged in new toasted and used oak casks. Roasted corn on the nose along with hints of leather and vanilla, and a sip will unlock notes of black tea, toffee, and honey.
Close tight and keep in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and humidity.
Age Restricted: 18 Know your limits UK Chief Medical Officers recommend Adults do not regularly exceed: Men 3-4 units daily Women 2-3 units daily www.drinkaware.co.uk