Pox, also known as "poosh," is a traditional Mayan spirit that originates from the highlands of Chiapas. It holds a deep cultural significance and has been consumed by the indigenous communities of the area for centuries.
Pox is made from fermented corn, wheat, or sugarcane, often in combination with other local ingredients such as cocoa, anise, and cinnamon. The production process involves cooking and fermenting the chosen grains or sugarcane, transforming their starches into sugars that can be fermented. The resulting liquid, known as "aguamiel," is then distilled in copper or clay stills.
Traditionally, the distillation process is carried out using a three-level clay pot still, known as a "paila." The lower part of the still contains the fermented liquid, which is heated from below. The vapor rises to the second level, where it condenses, and then passes through a third level filled with aromatic herbs, infusing the spirit with additional flavours.
Pox is known for its unique flavour profile, which can vary depending on the specific ingredients used and the techniques employed during production. It often exhibits notes of toasted corn, herbs, spices, and a subtle sweetness. The use of traditional clay stills and the incorporation of local ingredients contribute to its distinctive character.
Pox is typically consumed neat, as a sipping spirit, or enjoyed in traditional Mayan ceremonies and celebrations. It holds cultural and ritualistic significance within the Mayan communities, where it is seen as a symbol of ancestral heritage and spiritual connection.
In recent years, Pox has gained recognition beyond its place of origin, drawing interest from spirits enthusiasts who appreciate its authenticity and unique cultural roots. Its production remains closely tied to traditional practices, ensuring that each bottle carries the essence of Mayan traditions and the rich history of the region.